Top 5 Tips for fast your Pc without any cost


If your pc work slowly, you don’t  do any work properly and you want to upgrade your p[c like better processor, increase ram, install solid state drive (SSD) in return of hard disk drive (HDD) and graphics card etc but it costs so much but I’ll give you some tips for faster your pc without any cost.


Here are some tips for faster your pc:

Tip no 1:

               Uninstall all softwares  that you don’t use because it slows down your pc

               For this here are some steps just follow them:

               Go to control panel

               In programs section click on uninstall a program just bottom in programs section

               You will see all softwares installed on your pc just uninstall all programs one by one that are   

               not in youru use          


Tip no 2:

               Uninstall all programs that are not in you use, it also slows down your pc because it runs on        

               your pc background         

               For this here are some steps just follow them:

               In search box, search add or remove programs click and open it, here you will see all programs

               and features

               Remove all features and programs that you don’t use because of this your pc load decreases

               And your pc become faster

Tip no 3:

              Cleanup all your disks for this, in search box search cleanup disk click and open it, select your

              Disk and just cleanup

Tip no 4:

              Delete all unnecessary files, documents, audios, videos and images

Tip no 5:

              Download and install all updates because it updates your pc and after update must restart your


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