People often misplaced their phones and start searching it everywhere, it is so common. If your phone is missing you simply call it on another phone.
But actual problem begins when phone is on silent and you lost them. If your phone is missing in silent mode you just follow these simple steps to find your phone on google map.
Note: Your GPS is turned on
1) Go to
You can also download its app find my device on playstore and use it.
2) Login it using your gmail and password
3) Then you have three options:
1: Erase phone data
2: Trace it
3: Write a note on lock screen
If you realize that your phone is stolen then you can use erase data option, it erases all data from your mobile phone.
If you realize that your phone doesn't stolen you just misplaced it mistakely then you use write a note option. By this option anything you write would appear on your phone's lockscreen. You type here your name, address and contact information from this anybody see your mobile phone will contact you by your lockscreen information.
4) Simply click on trace phone and google map shows you the location of phone and you also click on ringing the bell option, by this your phone rings loudly and you will find it easily.